Overall pretty solid build “moped”. Suspension on the stiff side and kind of hard. But lowering tire pressure helps. Seat cushion pretty hard too. Not terribly but my butt was shocked a little after first ride. I’m 6’1” and I feel like seat is a little low for comfortable pedalling. It doesn’t have any storage compartments, but it could, under the seat for example. Head light meant to be mounted under the front bucket. Light quite bulky and front fork bracket doesn’t have enough flat surface to mount it properly so it’s tilting to the left or to the right. Light is bright but it’s just a little square spot in front of you. It’s okay, but it could be better. And front bucket not included, even though it’s shown on the packaging. Pretty comfortable grips and shifter and control locations. Nice speedometer with odometer, trip, power level and assistance, light on/off indicator, has quite a few adjustments and settings like brightness, speed limit, km or miles and also it has usb for charging your phone or other devices. It has good hydraulic brakes, which is awesome because the bike itself weighs around 90 pounds. It drives great on the gravel, grass and sure pavement. to go off road most of the time you’ll need bigger wheels diameter, but this bike can handle pretty much any terrain driven wisely. Hard to say about battery life and range because I didn’t drive it long enough. Charge seems holding pretty good. so far I like it a lot and pretty impressed with power and the way it handles. It truly has challenger spirit👍🏻